Tuesday, October 6, 2009

American Community Survey 2008 Release New & Notable

The U.S. Census Bureau continuously makes improvements to the American Community Survey (ACS) in an ongoing effort to best meet the needs of its data users. In 2008, this included several changes designed to improve the content and data quality of the ACS and provide new tools and resources for data users.

Here is a summary of what is new since the 2007 data release

Download Census Economic Briefs from the American Community Survey

Download Free Census Economic Briefs from the 2008 American Community Survey 1 year estimates. Released Late September, 2009 and include housing costs, property value, construction, earnings, food stamp recipients, median household income, poverty...

Download the ACS Economic Briefs.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Free 2009 Census Tiger/Line Shapefiles

Free Census Tiger/Line shapefiles are now available. County-by-state and 15 new national shapefiles are available. Shapefiles include: roads, places, school districts, zipcodes, census tracts, census blocks, census block groups and various other point, line and polygon features. An extremely rich data source.

Download 2009 Tiger/Line shapefiles